Research Proposal

Healthy corals in the Votua MPA of the Fiji Islands. [25]
In the development of this research proposal, steps were taken to research poorly understood aspects of the coral reefs. For example,  the degree of MPAs driven rates of recovery will buffer the anticipated rise in rate of coral bleaching and anthropogenic factors, yet the results has been controversial and varies regionally [4]. This could be due to the effect of habitat structures on species' abundance and assemblage; as well as distribution through complex interactions between species life histories and environmental factors. So it becomes a challenge to assess the actual effects of management measures with such a diverse ecosystem and complex food webs [4]. Nevertheless, successful coral restoration are defined by an increase in biomass of corals, growth rate and diversity in fauna [2]. This should be achievable by introducing more coral biomass from coral nurseries and successful habitat connectivity that helps increase nutrient flow and biodiversity.

Research Objectives:
1. Conduct an observational study to research similarities between poorly performing MPAs. Similarities can be due to reef fragmentation and nutrient loss that results from fragmentation.
2. Afterwards an experimental study of planting corals in reef areas of MPAs with differing levels of reef fragmentation.

The newly planted corals will be a source of nutrients for herbivorous fishes. The planted corals should enhance MPAs by providing a corridor between fragmented islands and increase nutrient gains due to more coral production and habitat for animals to flourish.

Experimental Outline

Objective #1
An observational study will be conducted on MPAs that have similar salinity, and temperature. The square plots of the reefs will be 120 yards in length. Ideally there will be more than one set of MPAs that share similar characteristics. A blueprint of the observational plot will be made, outlining the reef's fragmentation. Over a course of two years, coral mortality or gains will be recorded as well as species richness within the plot. At the end of the study, the fragmented habitats will be quantified by the Bowen and Burgess patch shape equation. Then patch connectivity will be establish by with spatial dynamic modeling.

Objective #2
In the experimental study, a set of MPAs with similar salinity and temperature will have corals introduced to them. The corals should be placed strategically to increase pattern connectivity. Again, the plots of the reefs are square and 120 yards in length. Over the course of two years, species richness, an output of nutrients gains in the system, will be measured, as well as coral loss or gain. At the end of the two years, value of pattern connectivity for each MPA will be plotted against species richness and coral loss or gain. The point of this experiment is to see if increase pattern connectivity by the introduction of corals will enhance MPA's effectiveness in conservation.

If long term MPAs are adequately established at diverse coastal regions,  then it may be able to provide insight on why certain MPAs has failed to achieve research goals. Since the areas are MPAs, the spatial ecology should be able to provide insight on the flux of energy within the ecosystem, undisturbed by humans. It is always observed that larger patches of habitats have more species richness, but at lower densities and smaller habitats have less species richness and are more prone to allele effects. If MPAs with smaller fragmented reefs has less species richness and are less prone to recovery due to lack of biodiversity, then it may be a factor in why some MPAs has not been successful. These MPAs with small fragmented reefs may be helped by the use of coral transplantation. The corals may enlarge the area size of the habitat by being placed strategically between two fragmented reefs. This will unite the two reefs into a larger habitat, or act as a corridor for reef dwelling organisms. In time, protection from a major cause of reef degradation, people, and placing more corals into protected marine areas should halt coral reef degradation.

Hawaiian Sea Turtle [24]
In addition to conservation efforts by scientist, there must be sufficient education, knowledge and interest among people to conserve [10]. Educational programs on reef conservation has been established in several countries already. Hanauma Bay in Oahu, Hawai'i has seen a rebound in turtle populations after educational outreaches that prompt more conservation efforts. In addition, an increase of conserved coastal areas would also mean job opportunities for the locals. These jobs may range from educating people about the local reefs, to research assistants and lifeguards at recreational conservatories. There may also be guards to enforce sustainable fishing practices. Therefore locals should not be completely resistant to conservation efforts since they are also provided opportunities to work and sustain their resource.


  1. Make sure you finish the trailing off sentence. I definitely have a few of those, but it is easy to forget about them when you are finishing a website.
    The information is great throughout the site. There are some grammatical issues with tense and some misspellings, so maybe just do a skim through for that.
    Also make sure that you add some pictures. Coral reefs are really cool for that and the stark contrast between a healthy reef and a bleached reef in pretty extreme.
    I hadn't really thought of coral reefs as habitat fragments because they are connected by the water, but of course they act in exactly the same way. I liked the research proposal although it sounds like it would get really complicated with so many different pieces.

  2. You've obviously conducted a lot of research to come up with your hypothesis--it sounds very well founded in background knowledge. I think that the hypothesis should be a little shorter, maybe a couple of sentences, and then use the rest of the information you have to propose an experiment that will test your hypothesis.

    Very informative first paragraph. It could even be in the "current issues" or "management action pages" because there it might be more supplemental information instead of repeating aspects of things you've already discussed.

    I see some grammar and spelling mistakes here as well--just take some time and make sure you're using has/have correctly and stuff like that. Good job overall!

  3. Great organization with the headers and bullet points! I would also recommend going through fixing the grammar and spelling mistakes and condensing your hypothesis, but you have thoroughly convinced me that we should be evaluating our MPA's!
